Confined Spaces Flowchart

Find the right course for your needs

Develop Training offers a wide variety of confined spaces training courses to suit every requirement.

Not sure which one is best suited for your needs?

Don't worry - we've created a confined spaces training flowchart to help you decide which course(s) will be the most beneficial to you and your workforce.

Complete the form to download a copy.

Further information

Want to know more?


Confined Space training courses 

We offer a full range of training courses for low, medium and high risk confined spaces. 

View all courses

Confined Spaces van - frame at 0m42s-1-1

Mobile Confined Space Unit

This state-of-the-art facility can simulate a range of environments using lighting and smoke machines throughout the 35 metres of tunnel.

Find out more


Training centres across the UK

We have 8 training centres across the UK, plus several mobile confined space units.

View centre locations