Underpinned by industry leading technology and delivered by world class tutors with real world support
As part of our continuous improvement cycle, we really listen to your feedback and as such have introduced not only our new "Virtual Classrooms", but also a "Blended Learning" offer. Complete the form opposite to download our brochure and find out more about both offerings.
Flexibility to access training not only how you prefer, but when you prefer it
We have worked hard to ensure that we attract the very best talent so you can rest assured that our trainers are the best of the best and your experience is always at the highest level - always exceeding expectations. Learners will receive the same high quality training experience that they would if they were in a physical classroom/training environment.
Need further information?
Our friendly team is ready to assist you with any questions or specific requirements you may have - you can reach them on 0800 876 6708 or CustomerService@developtraining.co.uk
Visit our dedicated Digital Courses webpage
You'll find all our Virtual and Blended courses here on our website.